Simple Guide to Wyrdhunter Class for Tainted Grail

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Hi everyone and Welcome to my simple guide for the Wyrdhunter class in Tainted Grail. This guide is a redo; you can think of it as version 2 of my previous guide.

This guide is designed to just get you up and running by using the character. There will be another in-depth guide done later but this is to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

The Wyrdhunter is all about doing lots of damage. His ultimate ability is charged up by one charge for each hit he inflicts on any enemy. He also starts every turn by having a card in his hand that costs one energy that will allow him to increase the damage of the next hit by 100% and has passives that boost damage among other things.

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Defensive Tactics

Now I will talk about his defensive abilities as defence is what keeps you alive but don’t be too concerned if you get killed as every time you die you will level up the character and unlock new passives and cards to use in the game.

His defensive abilities revolve around the following four things.

  1. Blocking attacks
  2. Raising his armour
  3. Stunning enemies
  4. Reducing the damage enemies do

So blocks are really simple in that for every 1 instance of block you have you will block one instance of damage so when you look above the head of each enemy if it has a number that means it will do that much damage to you when you end your turn so if you see the number 10-17 above any enemy that means that enemy will do a minimum of 10 damage to you and a maximum of 17 damage to you with one hit.

That would mean you can use one block to block one complete hit irrespective of how much damage that hit would do. The disadvantage of blocks is for each instance they will only block one hit from an enemy so if an enemy is doing multiple hits or multiple enemies are attacking you each block will only block one hit allowing the others to get through and you normally don’t get to decide which hit will be blocked as enemies turn order is resolved from left to right so the enemy on the far left will hit you first for however many hits and then the next one and so on.

The next defence that the Wyrdhunter has is raising his armour. Just like cards that contribute blocks, some cards raise armour. Normally raising armour is very useful when dealing with lots of little hits as when you raise your armour it reduces the damage of every hit that comes your way based on the armour value and this can be combined with blocks.

Next is stunning enemies so when an enemy is stunned it does nothing for that turn (or however many turns it is stunned). Now be aware that while you shouldn’t save cards you should be aware that not many cards that Wyrdhunter has will stun enemies so you should save those for special occasions especially if an enemy is going to do a high volume of heavy hits as stunning the enemy could be better than blocking or raising armour.

Lastly is reducing the damage that enemies do. The Wyrdhunter has access to cards that reduce the damage enemies do and these can be combined with other defensive cards to reduce damage even more such as reducing damage and raising armour.

Offensive Tactics

Offensively the Wyrdhunter will change depending on what passive skills and cards you get in this game that’s one of the things that makes this game interesting are how while each faction has the same cards each character has unique passive skills so it’s hard to give you an in-depth guide because it’s random for the most part which choice of passives you get access to as you level up.

But prioritise passive skills and cards that allow you to heal yourself as this is one of the problems of the Wyrdhunter is his general inability to heal himself and since you have to go through an entire run with one health bar be aware that taking damage without healing yourself will get you killed fast but like I said as you level up it will become easier to survive as you unlock new skills, cards and other upgrades.