Boneraiser Minions Review

Boneraiser Minions Review

Welcome to my Boneraiser Minions review. The premise of Boneraiser Minions is that you are a necromancer raising a legion of minions to combat the heroes of the human realm, and it is a rouge-like game.

When I first started playing this game, I thought it was like another game I reviewed called Vampire Survivors, which is still an excellent game, but this game improves on that formula by adding various elements.

For those unfamiliar with Vampire Survivors, it is a game where you play as a vampire slayer. All you do is move your character around while the weapons you get trigger automatically, which undead minions try to swarm you.

Another game you could say this is like is Gauntlet for those who are more aware of this game and Vampire Survivors.

In most cases, you take damage when you contact the enemies, but some enemies also shoot projectiles you must avoid.

Boneraiser Minions is very similar except for the inverse in that you raise undead minions, which fight for you. At the same time, you control your character’s movement, but it adds some fascinating elements.

Now that you know that Vampire Survivors and Boneraiser Minions have different developers, it’s easy to see how Vampire Survivor or games in this genre heavily influenced Boneraiser Minions.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:

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So as discussed before in this Boneraiser Minions review, the gameplay is quite simple at the surface but has a lot of complexity. So you move around your character, and your goal is to collect bones by either collecting those strewn around the map at the state of a run or killing minions.

Once you get enough bones, you get to do a bone raise, essentially raising another minion. You get the choice of one of the three minion choices.

Now this is where it gets interesting, as there are many minions from melee, ranged, and magic. Also, minions can be levelled up from one to two and two to three.

Also, you can upgrade your minions to more powerful minions like giant, demonic, and meldus, which requires you to sacrifice minions you must get.

But when you get enough bones to do a bone raise, you don’t see in advance which three options could be raising a new minion, upgrading an existing minion, sacrificing to get more powerful minions etc.

Now this makes the game very interesting and strategic. You might initially think that the best thing to do is to sacrifice all your minions to get the more powerful ones, but that might leave you exposed by not having enough minions to protect you from swarms.

As a result, you generally must think very carefully about your legion of minions and your choices. Also, to add to this complexity, you have spells and relics.

Sometimes you can choose one of three spells, which you can cast for a particular effect like healing, attacking enemies, etc.

Then you have relics which you also sometimes get, and like before, you get a choice of one out of three.

Relics are mighty, and either have a permanent or powerful effect, like one refilling your health if you die and another boosting your speed by 10 per cent.

And to top it all, you also have classes in this game. Now Vampire Survivors also had classes, but each class is massively unique in this game and will have a drastically different playstyle.

Some specialise in swarms of weak minions, while others specialise in giant or demonic minions. For a game that’s AUD 7.50 ($5), that is insane value, and we should support these indie developers when we can, mainly when they produce gems like this.


Now in my Boneraiser Minions review we will discuss the graphics. The graphics are what you would expect for a game that is $7.50, as this isn’t a game you play for the pictures. You play it for the gameplay, but the graphics are clean enough that it is straightforward to tell who your minions are and who are the heroes (enemies)

The graphics are much more evident with the giant enemies because they are larger, but once again, they are good enough to differentiate enemies from minions. I will say, though, that there is one class in the game called the doll maker that has a problem with this.

The doll maker uses human minions instead of undead minions, and as a result, it can be hard to see which minions are used and which are the enemies when the screen is filled up.

But this is only a problem if you use the doll maker class; for the other, telling friends from foes is straightforward.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:


The story in this game is simple, but once again, you’re not playing the game for the story. You are playing it because of the gameplay.


The sound is decent and is chiptune. Some of it is cheery, and others dark, and my favourite track is Cosmic Storm, and I hope the soundtrack for the game is released.


This is where the game shines, and the replayability is off the charts. The combination of classes, relics, spells, and minions means that you will get an insane amount of mileage out of this game.

It shows you that you don’t need excellent graphics to create a great game. You need some great game systems, and off you go.

All in all, a great game and a steal at the price it’s at.


I conclude that Boneraiser Minions is an awesome game, and I often play it between gaming sessions when I need a quick game to pass the time, but this game is a showstopper on its own.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:


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