Boneraiser Minions Guide

Boneraiser Minions Guide

Intro to Boneraiser Minions Guide

Welcome to my guide to Boneraiser Minions. Boneraiser Minions is an exciting game, but a big part of doing well in it is ensuring you understand the mechanics of how the game works, particularly what minions to boneraise can make a big difference, and understanding the classes.

Now while you will learn these while playing, this guide will hope to get you up and running as fast as possible and are things that I would have liked to know when I first started playing.

Now an important thing that I will iterate on is that not all minions are equal, and sometimes sacrificing specific minions to get the more powerful ones can be detrimental, so you have to sort of plan in advance what you’re going to go for.

This guide assumes that you have at least played the game, and if you haven’t, please read the review here first: Boneraiser Minions Review.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:

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Classification of Minions for Boneraiser Minions Guide

So off the top of my head, there are a few classifications of minions which are:

  1. Skelly
  2. Demonic
  3. Giant
  4. Bro
  5. Meldus

Now understanding these classifications of minions is essential, and be aware that they are not all available at the start of the game when you first start playing them, and you will unlock them as you play.

Now be aware that this is not a class-specific guide, so if you’re playing certain classes, you might use different strategies based on those classes.

Skelly Minions

So now we will talk about Skelly minions, first available when you start the game.

Skelly minions come in three flavours(like all): melee, ranged and magic. Now all Skelly minions have three levels, as when you get a bone raise, you will either have the choice to raise a fresh minion or level a Skelly minion (more options as you unlock later).

Now, like all things in this game, not all options are equal, and what I mean by that is that some minions are just more powerful than others or have more powerful effects if you level them up.

There are generally two types of minions: those that attack and those with buffs or debuffs.

When you first start playing, you might think it’s more beneficial to go after those that attack, and you certainly need minions that attack the enemy. Still, some of those buffs’ minions become very powerful at level 3.

I can think of two in my head: the Creepy Tangler and the Augur. So the Creepy Tangler is almost useless at level 1 with its effect that slows enemies, but at level 3, it’s pretty powerful.

The creepy tangler is extremely powerful at level 3 because not only does it slow down a bunch of enemies, it generates healthy hearts which heal you and healing effects in the game are not expected.

As a result, focusing on getting a creepy tangler to level 3 early on is an excellent investment. Another great minion to reach level 3 is the Augur, which provides haste to minions; level 3 gives lots of haste(haste speeds up minions’ attack rate and movement speed).

The demonic version of the Augur is fantastic as it provides haste for all of your minions, so it becomes more and more powerful as you get more minions. Now one thing to note about Skelly minions is there is no restriction on the number you can have.

Level 1 skelly minions are green, Level 2 are brown, and Level 3 are pink.

Demonic Minions   

Now we segway into daemonic minions. Now you get most of these minions, but getting a skelly minion to level 3 and then getting a hero soul. A hero soul is obtained by killing a hero; typically, hero souls are the only way to demonic minions.

Now you usually can only have a tiny amount of demonic minions, and every skelly minion has a demonic version that takes its abilities and increases them dramatically.

Now while there are mighty daemonic minions that are offensive, I usually like to reserve my demonic minion slots for those minions that provide buffs or healing, as getting powerful attack minions isn’t a problem as you have access to giant, bro and meldus minions that are all good damage dealers.

The demonic version of the Augur is a favourite of mine because it provides a permanent haste bonus (buffs attack speed and movement speed of minions and your movement speed) to all minions, which is very powerful and works well with other types of minions.

The demonic tangler is another one for its improved healing ability, so you should go for the tangler or Augur early on in the game. Later on, you take what you can get but be aware that because these require hero souls, you won’t have a lot of opportunities to get them.

So don’t waste those opportunities and try to plan what you will do with those hero souls.

Giant Minions

So giant minions are the following category of minions and generally more potent than the skelly minions with the melee, ranged, and magic minions have a greater area of effect than skelly minions attacks.

Now like with daemonic minions, you have a cap of how many giant units you can take, but you don’t need a hero soul to get these units (most of them) as you get them by sacrificing two Skelly minions to do so.

Generally, it is a good idea to sacrifice to skelly minions to get giant minions, but make sure you know what you’re offering to get the giant minion.

Sacrificing level 3 augur or creepy tanglers is generally not a good idea, and it’s usually better to sacrifice skelly minions that attack to do this, as there are no giant minions that heal or offer haste. Still, generally, one giant minion is better than two level 1 Skelly minions.

Just be aware that sometimes it’s not a good idea to sacrifice all your skelly minions to get a giant. If you do that, you might not have enough minions to protect you from enemy swarms, so you need to balance it out, as having a multitude of weaker skelly minions backed up by a demonic augur with a few giant minions is a good mix.

A combined arms approach is generally a good idea.

Bro Minions

Bro minions are generally a more powerful variant of minions at the base than Skelly minions, and you don’t need to sacrifice Skelly minions to get them.

Now unlike Skelly minions, they level up differently, which is that you use three Bro minions of the same type to get the upgraded version (Big Bro) of the Bro minions.

Now some of these minions heal, and others, like the zombie, can turn enemies into more zombies. Hence, the zombie minion is a favourite of mine that’s useful for creating a swarm of melee minions to complement any army.

Meldus Minions

Now Meldus minions are another type of minion that require the sacrifice of a level 3 Skelly minion and another Skelly minion to get. They seem to be attack-type minions mostly, but the magic ones, in particular, are mighty.

Due to the presence of these minions along with giant and bro minions, there is no need to focus on daemonic attack minions as these slots are better served for the demonic minions, and the meldus minions are on par in terms of attack power with the demonic minions.

Pay attention to what you’re sacrificing to get these minions. You don’t want to lose a powerful level 3 minions that you’re planning to upgrade to demonic with a hero soul to get one of these minions.

But any attack level three Skelly minions should be good to upgrade to a Meldus minion as long as you have enough minion count to protect you from the enemy swarms.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:

Boneraiser Minions Guide to Spells and Relics


Next, we come to spells that you cast by pressing K. Now spells provide a powerful one-off effect when you get them, and initially, I believe you can hold up to three spells, and you always cast the most recent one you got first before moving onto the others.

There are a lot of spells In the game, and it is a lot more random when you get spells as apart from some class and relic (which we talk about next), you can’t guarantee what spell you’re going to get so I would say.

Spells are one use, so once they are used, they are used up, so generally a good idea to save them for when you need them, but some classes can get spells more regularly, so unless you are playing one of those classes, save them for emergencies.

Also, prioritise healing spells if you are running low on health, and the spell barrow bones caress is a great one for turning minions into barrow boners which can get you more minions to upgrade if many enemies are near you.


Now we come to relics in our Boneraiser Minions guide, which either provide a powerful one-off effect (like healing you if you die) but generally provide permanent effects. Prioritise healing relics over everything else, as healing is hard to come by in this game.

Also, gigantum serum and meldus serum are good to get, so you don’t have to sacrifice a powerful skelly minion to get one of these more powerful minions.

Sealing, Banishing and Rerolls

Later, you will unlock the ability to seal, banish and reroll items offered. Understanding these is important as they can help you tailor your legion, spells and relics.

When you seal an item, whether it’s a minion, spell or relic, that item will be offered to you the next time you would get another choice of that item type. If there are two good minion or relic options, you can see one to get that later.

Banishing an item, spell, or relic means it will never be offered to you again. It’s a great way of ensuring you aren’t provided crappy minions or those you’re not going after.

Rerolls are just that they reroll the options, and these are very good at the beginning of a run to help ensure you get a creepy tangler or Augur.

Conclusion to Boneraise Minions Guide

This concludes our Boneraiser Minions Guide. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please send them to

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:
