Sentinels of Earth-Prime Review

Sentinels of Earth-Prime Review

Welcome to our blog. Today we will be writing a review of the game Sentinels of Earth-Prime. Now I will review from the vantage point of never having played the previous game, but I will have a section on people comparing it to Sentinels of the Multi-Verse.

This will review the digital version, but the board game version is the same.

So Sentinels of Earth-Prime is a cooperative card game for one or more players (I have only ever played it solo) where you must take down a villain while playing as three or four to five superheroes while also dealing with your chosen environment.

Each hero, villain and environment have a deck they use to play the game. The game has an almost puzzle-like aspect as the villains are unique, with some being more difficult to beat than others and having an advanced mode making them more difficult to beat.

A good way to think about it is like a superhero game combined with Magic the Gathering as each hero and villain modify the basic game in some way which is cool and makes this game like a puzzle with heroes and villains.

If you have played Sentinels of the Multi-Verse, it’s more of the same, and the Sentinels of the Multi-Verse heroes, villains and environments are compatible with Sentinels of Earth-Prime, which is awesome.

Also, the main intro theme rocks and gets you pumped to play the game. The game is also available on iOS and Steam, which are compatible with Sentinels of the Multi-Verse.

Remember that if you want to play Sentinels of Earth-Prime on iOS and Steam, you must purchase it on iOS and Steam, and the same applies to Sentinels of the Multi-Verse.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:

Also before we start, don’t forget to check out our merch store if you’re in the US. We sell dnd dice setsgamer t-shirts, and gamer room decoration.

How do you play Sentinels of Earth-Prime?

So to start, you choose your villain. Heroes and environment, and then the game begin.

The game is divided into three phases:

  1. Villains
  2. Heroes
  3. Environment

The game always begins in the villain’s phase as the villain gets the first turn. During the villain phase, the villain will generally do these things.

  1. Play the top card of the villain deck.
  2. Use any ability of the villain card and other cards they may have in play.

Now also be aware that some cards take effect at the beginning of the villain’s turn, and most take effect at the end of the villain’s turn but apart from what I just said, that’s pretty much how the villain’s turn goes.

Next, you have the heroes turn, and they go in order from left to right, and each hero with have their turn in mostly this order:

  1. Play a card.
  2. Use power.
  3. Draw a card.

Now for the heroes as well as the villains, there are different types of general cards which are:

  1. Ongoing
  2. Equipment
  3. One-shot
  4. Targets

So ongoing cards stay in play (apart from a few that only last one turn) and generally have beneficial effects or powers you can use.

Equipment cards are like ongoing cards in that they also stay in play.

One-shot cards are cards that have a one-time effect and then are generally discarded.

Targets are like allies that certain heroes can put into play that either damage enemies or have some beneficial effect.

Lastly, you have the environment turn, which the heroes must deal with. Some environments are more difficult than others to deal with.

The combination of villains, heroes and environments makes this game so re-playable. I have been playing the previous game Sentinels of the Multi-Verse for years, and I still have combinations I want to try and villains I haven’t beaten on advanced difficulty.

So that’s pretty much how the game works, but it gets more complex based on the heroes, villains, and environment you pick.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:

How has this game innovated from Sentinels of the Multi-Verse

Well, to some extent, it’s more of the same, which is not a bad thing as I was waiting for more heroes and villains to choose from, which is awesome and which is exactly what I have got, but the heroes all have a different flavour to them than the previous game.

For starters, there are no tanks in Sentinels of Earth-Prime, which are characters with persistent ongoing or equipment cards that allow them to tank.

The interesting thing about these new heroes is that they seem to switch up roles from some of the previous release’s characters.

So there is a hero called Johnny Rocket with some cards that allow him to do some deck control and another that retrieves equipment cards for heroes while damaging multiple villain and environment targets like Tachyon.

While another called Pseudo has some offensive abilities combined with deck control, making for a very interesting character.

All in all, these heroes are not more of the same but have innovated so that they are interesting while not completely doing what the heroes who came before they did.

So why do I like this game so much?

I love Sentinels of Earth-Prime because it is more of the same while innovating. I love these new villains, especially Metamind, which was an exciting experience playing with him.

The point is that this game adds more variety to an already-loved game.

All in all, it’s an excellent game by itself, and with the previous game combined, it’s brilliant. This is probably up there with one of the best iOS games ever, and it’s my go-to game for travelling.

Also, the game is remarkably re-playable because of the combination of villains and heroes and environment deck, and you can make this game as hard or as easy as you want but beware that even the mid-difficulty villains can become downright nasty under the right circumstances or card draws.

You can purchase the game here on Steam using my affiliate link:
